A pop-up project of 3 collaborating artists
Photo’s in empty window-displays at different locations in Ghent, Brussels and Liège, 2020-2021
A Manifest
A Collaboration of 3 Visual Artists
A Triptych of Photos
In Empty Window Displays
An Initiative during Lockdown
An Action during Silence in the Cultural Field
A Low-Profile Event
An Inviting Participation of the Public
Photo’s Maria Degrève, Lieve D’hondt, Freya Maes.
https://reinhard-doubrawa.com ‘city walk ’NOT CANCELLED Ghent 2020
https://www.muramuur.be Ghent 2020
http://www.lesbrasseurs.org. Liège 2021
https://flux-news.be. Liège 2021